Prompt Template Slides - Add Structure and Control


Prompt Templates

What are Prompt Templates?

Imagine a recipe for crafting prompts. A prompt template is a reusable structure with placeholders for specific information. These placeholders are often denoted by curly braces {}. You can then "fill in the blanks" with the details relevant to your desired LLM output.

Advantages of Prompt Templates:

  • Efficiency: No need to re-write the core structure of the prompt every time. Just update the specific details.
  • Consistency: Templates ensure all prompts follow a similar format, leading to more consistent LLM outputs.
  • Scalability: Easily adapt existing templates for new tasks by changing the placeholders and content.
  • Use Cases for Prompt Templates:

    Here are some examples of how prompt templates can be used:

  • Summarization: Create a template like "In short, the article is about {topic}..." and fill in the topic for different articles.
  • Question Answering: Use a template like "What are the main arguments for {topic}? Answer:..." for various topics.
  • Creative Writing: Develop a template like "Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, lived a {adjective} {character}..." and experiment with different adjectives and characters.
  • Related Topics:

  • Prompt Engineering: The broader field of crafting effective prompts for LLMs. Understanding prompt engineering principles will help you utilize prompt templates effectively.
  • LLM Capabilities: Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your specific LLM will guide you in creating appropriate templates.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Understanding core NLP concepts like syntax and semantics will help you design clear and concise prompts and templates.
  • By leveraging prompt templates, you can unlock the full potential of LLMs and streamline your workflow.

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