Genertaive AI Guide | Presentation and Docuemnts

Generative AI Guide

Gen AI Guide Oveview

Generative AI learn from data and generate new trajectories of data. This capability make it useful for creative application. It also help in personalization. Routine and repeative task like coding, draft email can also be done thru Gen AI.

Gen AI Applications

Gen AI and Large Langauge Model can do many traditional data science tasks with ease e.g. sentiment analysis, text classification, summarization, SEO generatio. LLM can also understand code and generate code in may programming languages

Gen AI - Double Edge Sword

Challenges in GenAI

Gen AI data generation is uncontrolled. It raised many challenges. Output can be unnatural, unethical or even illegal. There are copyright issues too. In addition there is data poison risks.

GenAI Opportunities

Ability to create new data make GenAI very powerful. It can create new design, personalized output. It can be useful in automation, drug discovery.

GenAI and LLM Updates

What is happening in Gen AI

How LLM are Evolving Every Month

Large Language Model Guide

LLM Overview

Understand and generate human language, performing tasks like writing different kinds of creative content, translating languages, and answering your questions in an informative way.

Multimodel LLM

process and generate information beyond just text. They can handle data like images, audio, or even video, allowing them to understand the world in a more comprehensive way.

Foundation Model Guide

Foundation Model

Unlike traditional AI models trained for specific tasks, foundation models go through a general learning process. This allows them to be adapted to a wide range of tasks by fine-tuning them with additional focused training. Foundation Models act as platform for other model. They reduce the labeling requirement for other models. Example of Foundation Model - Google BERT, Open AI GPT -n series. For images DALL-E is famous FM. For music JukeBox is another famous FM. Now foundation models are developed for robotics like DeepMind's RT-2 for robotics and it shows potential for physical tasks.

FM Benfits

Their versatility is key, as a single foundation model can be fine-tuned for various tasks across different fields, from healthcare to manufacturing. This adaptability saves significant time and resources compared to training new models from scratch for each specific need. Additionally, the pre-training process imbues foundation models with a strong understanding of underlying patterns, leading to potentially more accurate results. This efficiency and potential for improved performance make foundation models a game-changer in accelerating AI development and innovation.

Foundation Model Selection Criteria

Foundation Model

. Here are factors what to consider:
Task Alignment: First and foremost, the model's capabilities should align with your desired outcome. Is it text generation, image recognition, or something else entirely?
Data Compatibility: Does the model understand the type of data you'll be feeding it, like text, code, or images?
Model Size and Performance: Larger models often perform better but require more resources to run. Consider the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency for your project.
Fine-tuning Potential: Does the model allow for further training on your specific data to enhance its performance for your unique use case?
Accessibility: Finally, consider factors like licensing costs and the ease of obtaining and using the model.

FM vs LLM Selection

Selecting a foundation model and selecting an LLM (Large Language Model) are closely related, but not exactly the same. Here's how they differ:
Focus: An LLM is a specific type of foundation model trained primarily on text data. So, all LLMs are foundation models, but not all foundation models are LLMs. Foundation models can also be trained on other data types like images or code.
Application: When you choose an LLM, you're essentially selecting a pre-built model for tasks involving understanding and generating text. Foundation models, on the other hand, offer a broader range of potential applications depending on the data they're trained on. You might choose a foundation model for tasks like image recognition or code generation, areas where an LLM wouldn't be ideal.

Foundation Model Vendors

Open AI

The OpenAI API provides access to powerful large language models like GPT known for their impressive text generation and translation capabilities. It offers a pay-as-you-go pricing structure, making it a good option for exploring LLM functionalities or for projects with specific needs. In recent versions, OpenAI has demonstrated great capabilities on multi model.

Google Gemini

Gemini API, on the other hand, is Google's offering in the LLM arena. It boasts similar text-based functionalities as OpenAI, but also holds potential for future development beyond text. Currently in free access with usage limits, Gemini allows experimenting and building various applications like chatbots or creative tools. Its ability to integrate with other Google Cloud services might be an advantage for projects within the Google ecosystem.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering

Prompts enable you to guide genAI model to produce outcome in required format. Prompt help GenAI to break a complex problem into smaller task and enable reasoning

Prompt Templates

Use a prompt template for consistency. Replace the placeholder element in prompt templates. Save time and effort by reducing the need to write multiple similar prompts.



Prompts enable you to guide genAI model to produce outcome in required format. Prompt help GenAI to break a complex problem into smaller task and enable reasoning

Prompt Templates

Use a prompt template for consistency. Replace the placeholder element in prompt templates. Save time and effort by reducing the need to write multiple similar prompts.

Fine-tuning a Foundation model

When to Fine-tune

Medical Diagnostics
Legal Document Analysis
Customer Service Chatbots
Financial Market Analysis

when Fine-tuning not needed

General Knowledge Queries
Content Generation for Broad Audiences
Proof of Concept
Educational Tools

Guardrails for Gen AI

Generative AI Guardrails

Generative AI guardrails are a set of rules and limitations designed to keep AI outputs safe and aligned with ethical principles. This includes filtering harmful content, preventing bias, and safeguarding against the misuse of sensitive information.

LLM Guardrails

LLM guardrails, a specific type of generative AI guardrail, focus on large language models (LLMs) � AI systems that generate text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content. LLM guardrails address unique challenges like prompt injection vulnerabilities, where malicious prompts can trick the LLM into revealing sensitive data.

GenAI Security Enablement

Gen AI : Attack Surface

The very power of Generative AI (GenAI) introduces new attack surfaces that require vigilance. These vulnerabilities stem from GenAI's ability to process and generate data, making it susceptible to manipulation. Malicious actors could exploit this in several ways:
Poisoning the Data Well: Training data with biased or inaccurate information can lead to biased or misleading outputs from the GenAI model. This could be used to generate fake news or manipulate public opinion.
Crafting Malicious Prompts: GenAI models rely on prompts to guide their outputs. Crafting prompts specifically designed to deceive the model could lead to the generation of harmful content like phishing emails or deepfakes.
Model Hijacking: If security measures are lax, attackers could potentially gain access and manipulate a GenAI model itself, causing it to generate harmful outputs or leak sensitive information.

Action Plan to Secure Gen AI

Secure Data: Mitigate the risk of biased or poisoned data by implementing data quality checks, cleaning processes, and responsible sourcing practices. Anonymize sensitive information before feeding it into GenAI models.
Secure Model: Employ robust access controls to restrict unauthorized access to GenAI models. Regularly monitor model behavior to detect potential manipulation or drift in outputs. Consider explainability techniques to understand how the model arrives at its results.
Secure Infrastructure: Utilize secure cloud environments or on-premise hardware with proper security configurations to host GenAI models. Implement intrusion detection and prevention systems to safeguard against cyberattacks.
Other Considerations: Regularly assess and update security measures as the GenAI landscape evolves. Foster a culture of security awareness within your organization, educating employees on responsible GenAI usage and potential risks.

Gen AI Enablement Framework

Structured Framework

The GenAI Enablement Framework provides a structured approach to navigate the adoption of Generative AI (GenAI) within your organization. This framework outlines key guidelines to ensure a smooth integration process.
Structure: It defines a step-by-step approach, beginning with assessing your current capabilities and identifying potential use cases. The framework then guides you through data preparation, model selection, and integration with existing workflows.
Guidelines: These guidelines address potential risks and challenges associated with GenAI adoption. Risks may include bias in model outputs or security concerns. The framework suggests mitigation strategies and best practices to address these risks.
Challenges: The framework acknowledges the challenges of adopting a new technology, such as the need for specialized expertise or potential changes to existing workflows. It offers guidance on overcoming these challenges, such as training programs or resource allocation strategies.
Cost and Benefit: A crucial aspect of the framework is a cost-benefit analysis. It helps you assess the investment required in infrastructure, training, and potential ongoing maintenance against the anticipated benefits of GenAI adoption. This analysis can include potential cost savings through automation or increased revenue generation through new product or service offerings enabled by GenAI.

Stages and Steps

The GenAI Enablement Framework outlines a staged approach to GenAI adoption, guiding you from initial exploration to full-scale integration.
Proof of Concept (PoC): This initial stage focuses on experimenting with GenAI capabilities. You'll test different models on specific use cases to assess their suitability and potential value.
Tactical Implementation: Once a PoC proves successful, you move to tactical implementation. Here, you deploy GenAI for targeted tasks within specific departments, automating processes or augmenting human capabilities.
Well-governed Integration: As GenAI becomes more ingrained, this stage emphasizes establishing governance practices. You'll define guidelines for responsible use, addressing issues like bias and data security.
Strategic Expansion: With a well-governed foundation in place, you can strategically expand GenAI use across the organization. This involves identifying new use cases and integrating GenAI into core workflows for broader impact.
Transformational Impact: In the final stage, GenAI becomes a transformative force. You'll leverage its capabilities to fundamentally change how your organization operates, potentially creating new business models or disrupting your industry.

How to Build AI Assistants

Determine Features Needed

Deteremine whether you want assistant to do simple search e.g. travel, provide answer with reasoning. Determine whether you want to provide personalized recommendation e.g meal plan based on height, weight and preferences. In some cases Assitant may need to provide advnce pplan e.g financial plan based on logn term goal. More advance AI Assistant/Agent not only will plan but execute tasks e.g. build webpages suitable for my business and add it to websites and promote these.


You can build AI Assistant and all features you need or you can use Dataknobs Kreatebots to get featues and add custom capabilities you need. Dataknobs Kreatebots platform can help you build AI assistant 1) Wrapper on Open AI/Gemini 2)Add personalization 3) Add vector DB and Rag 4) Use fine tune model 5) Add function calling with langchain and other frameworks. Some features are standard e.g. Moderation, Prompt Injection checking, chatbot history, feedback collection.

How to Evaluate GenAI and AI Assistants

Evaluate Gen AI

Use variety of metrics - task completion, effort saved, user satisfaction in addition to technical metrics for Gen AI.

Evaluate AI Assistant

For AI Assistant, evaluate each response to ensure AI assistant is giving relevant responses for question and context.

Digital Human vs AI Assistants

Digital Human

Existence: Purely digital, existing in virtual environments.
Appearance: Highly realistic or semi-realistic .
Interaction: Can communicate through text, voice, and non-verbal cues (facial expressions, gestures).
Capabilities: Primarily focused on communication, social interaction, .
Mobility: Lack physical presence or mobility .

AI Assistant

Functionality: Primarily task-oriented, .
Interaction: Interaction is typically through text or voice commands.
Appearance: AI-assistants usually do not have a visual representation.
Context Awareness: Usually lack deep emotional intelligence or advanced social interaction skills.
Examples: Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana.

Dataknobs - Kreate, Kontrols and Konbs

KREATE - Content, Website and AI Assitant

Combining a knowledge base, website, and AI assistant from the same provider offers a significant advantage: centralized content management. Imagine all your information residing in one place, easily accessible for updates. This streamlined approach ensures the website and AI assistant always pull from the most recent knowledge base content. You'll avoid inconsistencies and streamline the process of keeping everything up-to-date.

Co-pilot for Building AI Assistant

Kreatebots acts as your co-pilot in building AI assistants, simplifying the process even for those without coding experience. It streamlines development by generating basic AI assistants from your existing data and content. Kreatebots assists in building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model, the core of your assistant's understanding, and even helps fine-tune a pre-trained model for optimal performance. Beyond that, Kreatebots handles the heavy lifting of assembling the front-end user interface, back-end logic, and the API that connects everything together � essentially providing a one-stop shop for crafting your own AI assistant.

From the blog

GenAI intro slides
For Beginners

Intro to GenAI and LLMl

Generative AI (GenAI) is a branch of artificial intelligence focused on creating entirely new content, like text, code, or even music. Unlike traditional AI that analyzes and reacts to existing data, GenAI acts more like a creative partner. Large Language Models (LLMs) are the powerhouse behind much of GenAI's capabilities. These are complex AI models trained on massive amounts of text data, allowing them to understand and respond to language with surprising nuance. Together, GenAI and LLMs are transforming how we interact with information, from creating new marketing copy to having AI-powered conversations.

Prompt Engineering Slides
For Domain Expert and Business Users

Prompt Management and Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the key to unlocking the true potential of Generative AI (GenAI) applications. It involves crafting specific instructions and templates that guide Large Language Models (LLMs) towards the desired outcome. These prompts act like blueprints, providing context, setting the task, and even offering examples. By carefully engineering prompts, developers can fine-tune how LLMs interpret information and tailor their outputs to fit the specific needs of a GenAI application. This allows for the creation of applications that can write different kinds of creative content, translate languages, or even generate code, all guided by the precise instructions laid out in the prompt.

RAG Slides
For Technical Users

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) tackles a key limitation of Large Language Models (LLMs) by grounding their responses in factual information. Unlike traditional LLMs that rely solely on their internal training data, RAG consults an external knowledge base before generating text. This ensures the output is anchored in real-world facts, making RAG ideal for situations where accuracy is crucial. Advantages include generating trustworthy content for fields like news reporting and scientific writing, while also preventing fictionalized responses. RAG shines in applications like chatbots where access to external knowledge enhances the system's ability to provide comprehensive and informative answers.

Evaluation Criteria Slides for GenAI
For Technical Users

Evaluation Criteria and Metrics

Evaluating Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) goes beyond a simple right or wrong answer. It's a multifaceted process that considers both objective metrics and subjective factors. Accuracy in completing tasks and factual grounding are important, but so is the model's ability to generate creative text that aligns with human expectations. Human evaluation, where people assess the quality and coherence of the outputs, is often crucial. Additionally, benchmarks designed for specific tasks like summarization or question answering can provide quantitative comparisons. Ultimately, a successful GenAI or LLM evaluation considers both objective performance and how well the model aligns with the intended application's goals.

LLM Comparision Slide and Tutorial
For Decison Makers

Criteria to compare LLMs

Comparing large language models (LLMs) can be tricky because they excel in different areas. You can compare paramters, performance, latency, cost and other factors. Here's a starting point: Identify your needs - is it creative text generation, data analysis, or code completion? Then, research LLMs known for those strengths. Try out free versions or demos to see which interface feels most intuitive. Finally, explore benchmark results comparing LLMs on specific tasks. Remember, the "best" LLM depends entirely on what you want it to achieve.

GenAI Foundation Model Slide and Tutorial
For Decison Makers

Foundation Model

Foundation models are the cornerstone of many powerful Generative AI (GenAI) applications. These AI models are trained on massive datasets of text and code, allowing them to grasp complex relationships within information. Unlike specialized AI models trained for singular tasks, foundation models boast remarkable versatility. They can be fine-tuned for a wide range of tasks, from writing different kinds of creative content to translating languages or even generating code. This adaptability makes them a valuable asset for developers, allowing them to create a variety of GenAI applications without needing to train entirely new models from scratch.

GenAI Life Challenges Slide and Tutorial
For Decison Makers

Challenges to Resolve

Protect against GenAI risks through careful data curation, model development, and human oversight. This tutorial provides practical guidance on addressing GenAI challenges and implementing effective mitigation strategies.

GenAI Vector DB  Slide and Tutorial
For Decison Makers

Vector DB

Vector databases are a novel type of database designed to efficiently store and query data represented as numerical vectors. Unlike traditional relational databases that excel at structured data with predefined schemas, vector databases are optimized for unstructured or semi-structured data, such as images, text, and audio. This makes them ideal for AI and machine learning applications that rely on similarity search and pattern recognition. While relational databases primarily use indexes for exact matches, vector databases employ advanced indexing techniques to find the most similar data points within a dataset, enabling tasks like recommendation systems, image search, and semantic search to be performed efficiently.

GenAI Life Guardrails Slide and Tutorial
For Testing Team, Legal and Governance


Generative AI guardrails are the parameters and constraints designed to steer the model's output within acceptable boundaries. They are essential for mitigating risks such as bias, misinformation, and harmful content generation. These guardrails typically involve a combination of techniques including filtering training data, fine-tuning models on specific tasks, implementing content moderation systems, and human-in-the-loop oversight.

GenAI Governance Slide and Tutorial
For Legal and Governance Team

Governance for chatbots

Generative AI governance is the framework of policies, processes, and controls designed to ensure the responsible and ethical development and deployment of generative AI systems. It encompasses a wide range of considerations, including data privacy, bias mitigation, model transparency, accountability, and risk management.

GenAI Life Cycle Slide and Tutorial
For ML Ops Team and PMs

GenAI Life Cycle

Building successful GenAI applications requires a deeper understanding of its lifecycle. This article and slideshow highlight key differences from traditional AI, emphasizing the importance of prompt engineering, foundation model selection, fine-tuning, evaluation, and implementing effective guardrails.

GenAI Cost Caclulation Framework
For PMs

GenAI and LLM Cost Calculation Framework

A GenAI cost calculation framework provides a structured approach to estimating the total cost of ownership (TCO) for generative AI projects. Accurately determining costs, especially for LLMs, can be challenging. This framework simplifies the process by breaking down expenses into manageable components. It covers hardware, software, data, model development, deployment, and personnel costs. A dedicated section focuses on the often-complex LLM costs, including inference and training/fine-tuning expenses. By converting queries into tokens and estimating input/output token usage, organizations can gain a clearer picture of potential bot operational costs. This granular analysis empowers businesses to make informed decisions about resource allocation and budget planning for their GenAI initiatives.