Generative AI and LLMs




The potential impact of generative AI is immense, with applications across various industries. Here are some key areas where this technology is poised to make a significant difference:
Creative industries: Generative AI can provide artists, designers, and writers with powerful tools to expand their creative horizons and produce innovative work.
Education: AI-powered personalized learning platforms can tailor educational materials to individual students' needs and learning styles, enhancing engagement and improving learning outcomes.
Healthcare: AI can analyze medical images and data to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning, potentially leading to more accurate diagnoses and improved patient care.
Science and research: Generative AI can accelerate scientific discovery by assisting researchers in identifying patterns, generating hypotheses, and designing experiments.
Business and industry: AI can automate repetitive tasks, optimize workflows, and generate marketing materials, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.


GenAI can product innovative content, dataset that help in drug discovery. GenAI is ultimate productivity booster as it can automate task. GenAI cab build varity of personal assistant to help us in day to day job.


Despite its vast potential, the use of generative AI also raise important ethical concerns. The ouput can be biased, illegal and hard to explain. There is very little control on output.

Easy to use, Hard To Build

Foundation Model

Foundation models are train on large amount of generic datasets. These work out of box and suitable for man consumer scenarios. Consumers can use it or business can use prompting approach to build scenarios around foundation model.

Domain specifc Model

Gen AI models will become doain specific. Domain specific model will train on industry/company specific data and will deeply integrate with workflows. However building domain specific model need dataset.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering

Prompts enable you to guide genAI model to produce outcome in required format. Prompt help GenAI to break a complex problem into smaller task and enable reasoning

Prompt Templates

Use a prompt template for consistency. Replace the placeholder element in prompt templates. Save time and effort by reducing the need to write multiple similar prompts.

Few Shot Learning

Give one or more examples instead of very detail instruction and generative AI will produce outcome specified in your examples. With very few examples you can change model output.

LLMs and Conversational AI

Custom Chatbots & LLMs

Use custom chatbot to use domain knowledge, customize responses and language to match your brand and comply with laws, . More importantly use custom chatbot for integration external system, automate workflows and gain competive advantages.

Gen AI For Software Dev

AIASE use artificial intelligence (AI) to augment the capabilities of software engineers. AIASE aims to improve the efficiency, quality, and reliability of software development by automating repetitive tasks, providing insights into code, and helping engineers to make better decisions.

Type of chatbots

Customer onboarding and support

Use custom chatbot to use domain knowledge, customize responses and language to match your brand and comply with laws, . More importantly use custom chatbot for integration external system, automate workflows and gain competive advantages.

Information Gathering bot

AIASE use artificial intelligence (AI) to augment the capabilities of software engineers. AIASE aims to improve the efficiency, quality, and reliability of software development by automating repetitive tasks, providing insights into code, and helping engineers to make better decisions.

Plan Generation

Bot help you make a plan of actions e.g. how to lose weight, how to gain muscle, which interior design is right for house, my financial plan, security plan for my app or startup.

Task Execution

Use Function calling to automate plan of actions. File my application to college, File my tax return, Create a invoice and submit to my customer, Build my time sheet and submit.

From the blog

Build Dataproducts

How Dataknobs help in building data products

Enterprises are most successful when they treat data like a product. It enable to use data in multiple use cases. However data product should be designed differently compared to software product.

Be Data Centric and well governed

Generative AI is one of approach to build data product

Generative AI has enabled many transformative scenarios. We combine generative AI, AI, automation, web scraping, ingesting dataset to build new data products. We have expertise in generative AI, but for business benefit we define our goal to build data product in data centric manner.

Well governed data

Data Lineage and Extensibility

To build a commercial data product, create a base data product. Then add extension to these data product by adding various types of transformation. However it lead to complexity as you have to manage Data Lineage. Use knobs for lineage and extensibility

Develop data products with KREATE and AB Experiment

Develop data products and check user response thru experiment

As per HBR " Data product require validation of both 1. whether algorithm work 2. whether user like it". Builders of data product need to balance between investing in data-building and experimenting. Our product KREATE focus on building dataset and apps , ABExperiment focus on ab testing. both are designed to meet data product development lifecycle

Innovate with experiments

Experiment faster and cheaper with knobs

In complex problems you have to run hundreds of experiments. Plurality of method require in machine learning is extremely high. With Dataknobs approach, you can experiment thru knobs.

Why knobs matter

Knobs are levers using which you manage output

See Drivetrain appproach for building data product, AI product. It has 4 steps and levers are key to success. Knobs are abstract mechanism on input that you can control.


Generative AI slides

  • Learn generative AI - applications, LLM, architecture
  • See best practices for prompt engineering
  • Evaluate whether you should use out of box foundation model, fne tune or use in-context learning
  • Most important - be aware of concerns, issues, challenges, risk of genAI and LLM
  • See vendor comparison - Azure, OpenAI, GCP, Bard, Anthropic. Review framework for cost computation for LLM

    Our product KREATE can generate web design. Web design that are built to convert

    Using KREATE you can publish marketing blog with ease. See KREATE in action

    Fractional CTO for generative AI and Data Products

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own data prodct can hire expertise to build Data product using generative AI

  • Generative AI expertise
  • Machine Learning expertise
  • Data product building expertise
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure